Healing Through Creativity

Our Mission

To create unique products that bring hope, peace, and healing to others around us, inspiring the world with beauty.


“Creativity starts within and reaches out to those around us”

-Katrina Reinholz



Learn about our ministerial works at the bottom of this page, and how Rose Works Designs helps the development & distribution of our message.

Not all wounds are visible, PTSD awareness, Drawing by Katrina Reinholz; Designs

Our Vision

Capturing and sharing healing moments.

To change the world by impacting it on a daily basis through battling other people’s weaknesses with objects to give them strength.

Our Core Values


We aspire to kindle the fire of creativity in others by utilizing my talents to spark inspiration in others. Sharing the truth in love while promoting self-care and mental resolution in others to shine a light that one can truly love themselves. Caring for yourself and finding healing daily helps you love yourself, and that’s what it takes to truly help others around you to love themselves.
Accept all others for who they are, remember that in the darkest of times- unfortunate circumstances are temporary. We want to spread the message to help others battling with the anxiety and fear we all can hold at times that things will always work out how they are supposed to.
Embrace the new journey in new beginnings, strive for excellence rather than perfection. We want to help others to recognize self-forgiveness as a daily truth no matter what they are facing.
We want to share love and peace by being graceful. Practice being forgiving with compassion, and help others to do so. 
We see excellence as a team effort so we want to encourage others to operate in their best potential, and surround ourselves with individuals that have a mutual attitude. Bringing truth to our hearts and knowing our worth is an important reminder in the excellence we all hold.
We are determined to never give up, be humble, and constantly inspire others to pursue excellence in themselves.

CHANGED, Creativity, Healing, Accept, New Beginnings, Grace, Excellence, & Determination. Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, & Red. Together, Gift, Giving, We are CHANGED



CHANGED, Creativity, Healing, Accept, New Beginnings, Grace, Excellence, & Determination. Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, & Red



Freedom Social

Our purpose for this platform is so that everyone can have freedom of speech with the safety net of acceptance from others and respect for their beliefs.

We also want to provide a safe place of support for a variety of different hardships in life.

One of our main objectives is to build a place where we can use faith & scripture to help us through these times, and freedom to resonate with others and be assured that no one feels alone.

Visit Site

Called to Freedom Ministries

A Five-Fold Ministry

We follow the order of the church written by Paul in Ephesians 4:11. We believe that by following the natural order of the church that our messages will be spiritually aligned with God’s message.

Following a Culture Of Honor

We honor one another for the good works we do and talents God has given us rather than condemning others and looking at their wrong-doings.

Our Mission

To build other peoples faith by helping them build a grounded relationship with God through Christ.

Our Vision

To build a body of people who love, respect, and honor each-other and God.


See The Mission

So how do we piece the puzzle?

Rose Works profits help fund Called to Freedom Ministries, which keeps our message flowing vibrantly.

Called to Freedom Ministries provides a clear mission. A no-judgment team, that is driven to share a message of love. Part of our donations help fund the upkeep of the Freedom Social

Freedom Social is a social networking platform designed for our ministry so people from all over the world can communicate and find support from other Christians.

Donate Now



About Me



Katrina Reinholz

Graphic Designer/Owner

Katrina Reinholz, Graphic Designer/ Owner. Healing Through Creativity

Hi, I’m Katrina, a woman of God who loves to write, sing, be creative, and enjoy nature. I love to inspire others and help them get closer to their best self possible. We are all on this journey together, so let’s make the best of it and help each other learn other perspectives and new lessons.

I am on the Autism spectrum, unspecified Bi-polar , & unspecified personality disorder. However these conditions don’t define me as a person, I define me- and creating things is ME. Helping others is ME. I want to encourage others to do what their heart tells them to without fear of judgement, because for the past few years of my life, I let other peoples opinions affect MY judgement and attitude towards the world. In my process of healing, I create various things in whatever way I can imagine, and now I do it in hope to bring healing to others. Welcome to Rose Works Designs.